Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It sure is interesting to have a baby as seen through the eyes of a 3-year old. Chase has been so fascinated by this baby but especially fascinated with breastfeeding. He keeps asking me why the baby doesn't have teeth, why he can't walk, etc. etc. The other day I was feeding Max and Chase was there sitting by me when he was interrogating me about the feeding process. I was explaining the baby gets big and strong drinking "mom's milk", blah, blah ,blah. Chase then says to me "Where did you get those big, round things anyway?" Too funny! Yesterday he then said to me, "Which one of those round things has juice?" When I told him they both have milk, he seemed pretty bummed for the baby that Max only gets milk and no juice. He also insists that he can hold the baby by himself. He will tell me " get your hands away...I can do it by Myself!". Oh, he scares me...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Our sweet little Max was born on Sept 30th at 4:51pm. He weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz and 19 inches (our smallest baby). We named him Max White Thurman. (White is my maiden name) This was my first induction and eventhough I was nervous about it, all went well. I got to the hospital at 7am and was happy to find out I was farther along than we had thought. I was dilated to a 2 and about 50% effaced which meant I was put on pittossin, the famous induction drug! After a little while, I was "feeling it" and luckily the anasthesiologist was available to give me an epidural. So after that, I was feeling good and spent a big portion of the day watching TV and reading (which seems crazy that I was in labor doing that!). Anyway, nothing much was happening and I was starting to worry--you know not much else to think about except everything that COULD go wrong. Finally, around 3:45 I started feeling more heavy contractions (even with the epidural), my nurse, Lisa came in and checked me to find out I was a 8 and 100% effaced. Around 4pm I called my mom to tell her to come over if she wanted to see this one at birth and then Lisa called Dr Thein. Around 4:15 I thought I was dying, the contractions were intense and I really needed to push. After that, the student nurse came in and gave me a shot to stop my contractions because Dr Thein was still 1/2 hr away and appartly no one else wanted to deliver this baby. My mom and Lynn (alex's mom) arrived around 4:30 and 10 minutes later Dr Thein came in. We got all ready and in stirups only for me to say "I really don't need to push anymore". So back on the pittosin I went. I started to push and to be honest I really felt I was pushing for a super long time but come to find out it was only about 10 minutes. After the fact, I learned that Max was still high in the birth canal because the cord was short and it was wrapped around his head. Luckily, I couldn't see the heart rate monitor through the pushing since his heart rate was pretty low during the pushing. Anyway, he came out but was sunny side up (like Chase) and came down twisted--I don't really get it but thats what Dr Thein told me. Anyway, it all went well yet I have to say I'm glad I'm not planning on doing this again...that is hard work!

Here are some pictures of Max:

The rude awakening of this world!

Dr Thein, Max and me

All settled down as the "burrito baby"

I'm already in Love!!