Saturday, October 17, 2009

Todd and Kelli get Married

My brother Todd married Kelli Grimshaw on October 17th. Here we are waiting at the Newport Beach Temple for them. We are so happy to have Kelli join our family.
My brothers and I. Greg, Todd and Lori

Megan was a jr. bridesmaid.

Here is the happy, beautiful couple! Congrats!

Friday, October 9, 2009


We went on the annual Tanaka Farms field trip with Chase's pre-school class. This is always a favorite field trip for all the kids. Here is Chase and Olivia:

One of the highlights of the day is going on a wagon ride pulled by a tractor. They take you over to a petting zoo area. This is always a fun time. Chase is not a bit scared by the animals and loves to pet, hug and try to feed the animals. Here he is with a willing goat.

Max came along on the trip.

The whole preschool class.

Here the kids are climbing to the top of a hay tower. I love this picture of Chase!

Another highlight of the trip is the chance to pick vegetables. Each child gets to pick 3 radishes, 3 carrots, 3 green beans, and 3 onions. Look at those HUGE radishes! We made some soup that night and put in his vegetables.

The deal is every child gets to pick a pumpkin off a vine to take home. The only rule is that the CHILD has to be able to carry his/her own pumpkin. Chase really wants a big one so here he is trying to carry out the biggest one he can.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lori's Birthday!

My college roommate, Stefanie from RICKS happened to be here in Orange County over my birthday weekend. What was just your average birthday turned into something so fun to have Stef here with me to celebrate! She made a birthday cake with my kids --notice the number on the candles-- 29! Yay, I wish...

Here I am ready to dig into the cake

Here we all are minus Max