Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Megan!

Megan turned 9 on Saturday--Feb. 2nd (she likes to say on Groundhog Day). Anyway, I can't believe I have a 9 year old and that she has been baptized for a whole year already. Megan is such a joy to have as a daughter and I wanted to write down a few of the reasons why I love her so much:
  • Being the first born, it is because of Megan that I became a mother. After holding her for the first time, I truly understood the meaning of unconditional love.
  • She always tries her best! Whether at school, sports, church assignments, whatever it is she has this desire to always try her best.
  • She is a very loyal friend. If you're a friend of Megan's, you will be for life!
  • She is very obedient. This quality mixed with the one about doing her best makes her a teacher's dream to have in class. Every teacher she has had this far in her young life has made it a point to either tell me or write me how much they love having Megan in their class.
  • She somehow tolerates her brothers--trust me its not always easy but I can tell you they do love her.

So here's to our little "meggy moo-moo" -- Happy Birthday, I love you!


wendy said...

What sweet comments about your meggy-moo-moo. It's good to see your updates!

CA said...
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CA said...

Happy Belated Birthday Meggy! I remember when I held you for the first time at Grandpa and Grandmas.You were sooo... cute! You still are of course! We love you! Mike and CA

Christy said...

We love Megan! She is such a sweet girl. Happy Birthday!

Jake, Cindy and Blaine said...

happy birthday megan! she is such a cute little girl!
**by the way, great talk today in church! :)

darce said...

Happy Birthday, Megan! You are such a sweet girl and always nice to share your room when we come in town. We miss you!

Tate Family said...

Happy Bday Meggars!!!
Sure LOVE YOU!!!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Meggan! We had such a good time celebrating with you up in Big Bear.

the design boss said...

Happy Birthday!! I can't believe how fast time goes....don't blink she might turn 12!!

Tiffany said...

Hi Lori! Can you believe you have a 9yr old?!?!? She is so pretty and looking so grown up.